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Class Schedule
Minis rehearsal - Tuesdays 3:30 - 5:00 with Lenin
Juniors Rehearsal - Wednesday 4:45 - 6:45 Moana
Teen 1 Rehearsal: Wednesdays 3:30 - 5:00 - Thurs 4- 5 Jordan
Teen A Rehearsal: Mondays 5-6 & Thursdays 4:00 - 5:30 with Kris
Luxe Rehearsal: Saturdays 3:00 - 5:00 pm with Moana
Yoga Tuesdays 9:30 - 10;00 am
Cardio Hip Hop Wed & Fri 9:45 - 10:45pm
Perfomance schedule 2022
Dress Rehearsal, February 5th,​ TBD
Revolution, February 18-20th Convention CTR
Thunderstruck, ​ March 11th-13, ​ TBD
Bravo, ​​​May 12-15, ​​Mandeville Theater
Showstoppers ​May 27-29 ​​Disneyland Hotel

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